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Update: Japan Dog Export has ceased operations as of February 20th, 2025.

ADDRESS: 930-1 Kuroiwa, Wada-machi, Minamiboso-shi, Chiba, Japan 299-2725
TEL: +81-90-6107-3656
DIRECTOR: Shigeru Kato

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Update: Japan Dog Export has ceased operations as of February 20th, 2025. copyright 2020 Katsumasa Masuda

COVID19 Affecting Import/Export

We continue to receive many inquiries about importing/exporting dogs to/from Japan. I just wanted to update everyone on the current situation, and how COVID19 is affecting the export/import of dogs. All cargo shipping of dogs internationally has been shut down till at least the end of May. We have not yet received a timetable for when this will open up again. Japan was under a national state of emergency which was just lifted recently. Japan’s borders are currently closed to nationals of most countries. The timetable for lifting border restrictions is unknown. We will all just have to wait and see how things progress, and if any new information becomes available I will post an update here on the blog. Shigeru Kato for JDE

Important Update: Japan Dog Export is Shutting Down

Since the birth of Japan Dog Export in 2012, we are proud to have been a part of supporting dogs and their owners literally all over the world. There are so many connections we have made over these 13 years, and it is with some sadness that I'm announcing the shut down of Japan Dog Export.  I founded JDE initially to help with the preservation of the native Japanese dog breeds, as their populations are dwindling in Japan (and continue to do so), and we later expanded to support the overall import and export of pets moving to and from Japan. While I understand that their is still a need for the particular type of import/export support services that we offered, due to a change in focus I have decided it is time for JDE to be shut down. Thank you to everyone who we have worked with. All of us at JDE hope that you and your pets are well and happy, and wish you all happy travels and a long life together.